Useful informations about DENTTABS
DENTTABS are plastic-free?
Of course, the DENTTABS toothpaste tablets have been plastic-free since the first production because they consist of 100% natural ingredients. But also since the beginning of 2019 our packaging comes completely plastic-free. The bag packaging consists essentially of paper and a separating layer of biogradable polymer made of corn starch. The composite of these materials is certified for industrial compost and biodegradable. So with DENTTABS you do not only do something good for your teeth, but also the environment.
DENTTABS are certified by the BDIH as controlled natural cosmetics
DENTTABS Toothpaste tablets bear the COSMOS seal of BDIH for controlled natural cosmetics. ( This applies to both the compostable bag and the tablets themselves and confirms the use of 100% natural ingredients and materials.
It’s that easy to clean with DENTTABS.
Every morning and every evening, chew a DENTTABS toothpaste tablet in your mouth, mix with saliva, moisten the toothbrush as desired and start brushing.
- Chew a DENTTABS Toothpaste tablet until it turns creamy.
You may have to get used to that at the beginning. It is worthwhile, however, because the mixing of the fluoride-containing tabs with saliva is crucial for the high remineralization. - Brush your teeth with a wet toothbrush as usual.
Ideally you use our especially soft Bamboo Brush toothbrush with ground bristle ends. It best supports the polish effect of DENTTABS Toothbrush Tablets and is gentle on gums and teeth. - Take a few minutes. Your teeth will be grateful.
Rinse – done.
Slide your tongue over your teeth: you’ll find that your teeth feel as clean and smooth as you would otherwise know only after the dentist’s prophylactic treatment.
Ingredients of DENTTABS
Microfine cellulose fibers are obtained from woody plant parts. It is a long-chain polysaccharide that can polish your teeth ultra smoothly even into the interdental spaces. Therefore, new particles on the tooth surfaces can simply bead off, plaque can hardly arise in the first place. No plaque – no tooth decay!
Sodium bicarbonate, also known as “soda”, together with citric acid (Citric Acid), sets the pH of the tablet to a neutral pH during brushing.
Silica is amorphous silicon dioxide, which acts as a soft brush and helps to remove any soft biofilm.
Amisoft (Sodium Lauroyl Glutamate) is a mild, natural surfactant that consists of vegetable fatty acids and the amino acid glutamic acid isolated from plant proteins. When cleaning, it helps to combine proteins, fats and carbohydrates with water to flush them out while rinsing. In Amisoft, glutamic acid is linked to medium-chain fatty acids.
Sodium lauroyl glutamate should not be confused with the “glutamates” used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer – DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets are glutamate and gluten free.
And here again exactly from our chemist:
“Glutamic acid is an amino acid, e.g. occurs in relatively large quantities in plants, fish, or meat. However, the amino acid does not occur in isolation but almost exclusively in bound form in proteins. In DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablet, glutamic acid is used as a surfactant called sodium lauroyl glutamate. In this, the glutamic acid is bound to a fatty acid by esterification. ”
Magnesium Stearate is the magnesium soap of stearic acid, a herbal adjuvant necessary for tablet manufacture.
The natural (mint) aroma, together with the stevia extract and the menthol, provides the pleasant freshness of DENTTABS toothpaste tablets, as well as the unmistakably cool “freshness afterwards”.
Xanthan Gum is a natural polysaccharide that is also used as a thickening and gelling agent. In the DENTTABS toothpaste tablets, it ensures the pleasant creaminess after chewing.
Stevia (Stevioside) is a sweet-tasting plant that, together with the aroma and the menthol, provides the good taste. The steviosides are not sugar, but proteins that have a characteristic sweet taste. Therefore, steviosides can also cause no tooth decay.
Citric acid regulates the pH value together with sodium bicarbonate (see above) and stimulates the salivation. The increased salivation causes a faster remineralization of the tooth surfaces.
Sodium fluoride – ‘natural’ only in DENTTABS toothpaste-with-fluoride! It is used for the remineralization of the enamel and can especially help with sensitive tooth necks, but also with incipient caries. Because DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets are “dry”, it only develops its full effect with the application.
Eugenol is part of the natural mint flavor. Eugenol is also known as a characteristic flavor of cloves.
Because DENTTABS toothpaste tablets are “dry”, means water-free, we don’t need any preservatives and germ-inhibiting substances. DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets contain neither aluminum nor nanoparticles.
How can I reduce the mint flavor?
If you or your children feel the freshness of DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets is too intense, leave the DENTTABS Â open for a few days and place in a warm place – the menthol escapes. So you can decide for yourself how “minty” you want your DENTTABS Toothpaste tablets to be.
DENTTABS repair sensitive tooth-necks? The FLUORIDe-question.
DENTTABS toothpaste tablets are available in two versions: with and without sodium fluoride (NaF). There is no product and no technique known to us, which has been proven again and again in many laboratory studies, which shows the actual positive effect of fluoride better in practical use than with our DENTTABS Toothbrush Tablets.
The background is that with the chewing of the tablet, the NaF dissolves directly in your saliva, so that the fluoride ion is 100% already in the right substance and not diluted by water additionally. With our extra soft toothbrush, everything is then distributed on the teeth and the fluoride can fully unfold its effect, the remineralization of the teeth.
This also explains why exposed dental necks with DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets ‘lose’ their sensitivity within a very short time. Even so-called lesions or small holes can ‘disappear’.
BUT: Now, if the enamel is completely intact, if there are no sensitive necks, etc., if there are no more coatings thanks to the polish with DENTTABS Toothpaste tablets, do I still need fluoride? Basically, the use of our fluoride-containing DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets is a very good prevention against damage to the enamel, which can be applied permanently.
There are also regular articles by reputable authors on the subject, highlighting the possible problems that may arise from the various forms and presentations of fluoride / fluorine.
We believe that everyone should get an idea for ​​themselves and decide whether or not to use DENTTABS fluoride dentifrices.
More on the subject:
How much fluoride contain DENTTABS?
DENTTABS contain 950 ppm fluoride.
Why there is a special toothbrush for DENTTABS?
DENTTABS Toothbrush-Tablets polish your teeth. For this you need next to this also a very soft tool. That is why we have equipped our DENTTABS Bamboobrush toothbrush with very soft bristles. Anyone who has gotten used to it for a few days certainly does not want to use a “scrubber” anymore.
Can I keep using an electric toothbrush?
The most noticeable effect of our DENTTABS Toothbrush Tablets is the polish, which is best achieved with one of our softest DENTTABS Bamboo brush. Especially in this context, electric toothbrushes are no help.
The idea behind a so-called sonic toothbrush is that plaques are first ‘shaken up’ by vibrations at the bristle ends in order to be able to remove them more easily. Anyone who polishes their teeth with DENTTABS Toothbrush Tablets typically does not have the problem of ‘plaque’.
The various problems with the oscillating round-toothbrushes have been described e.g. led to the fact that both – the Aktion Zahnfreundlich e.V., where we are a long-standing member, as well as parts of the Swiss dental profession explicitly do not recommend their use (!).
The electric round-headed toothbrush gets dark liquid?
We made a long research for the cause and came across two phenomena:
The brush head of a rotary electric toothbrush is hollow. In it is a metallic axis, via which the movement is transferred from the handpiece to the brush head. So that it does not get too hot in it, the head has a slot through which “cooling water” flows from the mouth into it. In addition to nutrients and toothpaste, this water also contains all the microorganisms in the oral cavity. When you’re done with the cleaning, you put the whole thing in the warm bath in the charging station. Since there is rarely or never an internal cleaning of the brush head takes place, there multiply all the microorganisms present and are rinsed in the next cleaning process back into the mouth and back into the brush head. The metallic axis itself is also polished when DENTTABS toothpaste tablets are used and giving the whole thing a decent black tone.
Why is this only noticeable when using DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets and not with conventional toothpaste?
We were very surprised about that. Apart from the polishing of the axle, everything with conventional toothpaste also takes place. The secret is titanium dioxide, which is found in almost every toothpaste. Titanium dioxide is also known from e.g. sunscreen or as a white pigment, which does not recognize the discoloration when using toothpaste. Of course, DENTTABS Toothpaste- Tablets contain no titanium dioxide.
Can I use DENTTABS with braces as well?
Absolutely. But do not be alarmed if the first time it looks a bit darker, what you flush out there. These are the pads polished off the wires and brackets. It’s best to go back afterwards, brush again, then it looks much better. But the great thing about it is that, in addition to all the well-known benefits of DENTTABS Toothbrush Tablets, the transition from the bracket to the tooth is polished, preventing the formation of plaque and tartar.
Are the teeth getting whiter when using DENTTABS?
Many custumers have the impression that their teeth have become lighter and often they do. This has nothing to do with the effect of so-called bleaching. With DENTTABS Toothpaste- Tablets, the teeth are polished to a high gloss. This gives the teeth a very special shine that you otherwise only have a few days after a PTC (professional teeth cleaning) at the dentist. The smoother the surface the stronger the reflection of the light. Thanks to DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets, discolorations which can form on the teeth due to tea, coffee, red wine or even nicotine shine again. The colored pigments that sit on the rough tooth surface are polished away, you get back your natural tooth color.
Bleeding gums on DENTTABS beginners?
A feedback, which we have already received several times – but only from users of an electric toothbrush.
The suspicion arises that this is a similar phenomenon as described above. The gum bleeding was already there before, but could not be seen or tasted. In all cases known to us it has stopped after a short time and has not come back with the soft hand toothbrush.
Are you allowed to use DENTTABS even if you already wear dentures?
The actual genesis of DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets begins in our dental laboratory ( And yes, even dentures want to be perfectly maintained. Of course, the polish also works on crowns, bridges and inlays. Even removable dentures can be polished perfectly with it – but only on the visible parts – The roughness on the gum side facing is desired. In particular, custumers with implants are strongly advised to pay attention to plaque-free teeth, so that it does not come at the implant to inflammation, which could easily lead to loss.
Are DENTTABS vegan and cruelty free?
Of course!
Under Article 18 (1) of the Cosmetics Regulation, the EU generally prohibits the placing on the market of cosmetic products whose final composition, constituents or combinations of ingredients have been determined by animal experiments to comply with the provisions of the Regulation (see references a + b ). Similarly, it is prohibited under Article 18 (1) (see reference c) to carry out animal experiments on finished cosmetic products within the Community in order to comply with the requirements of the regulation.
Simply explained: within the EU it is not allowed to test cosmetic products and / or their ingredients or packaging materials on animals or to introduce and sell such cosmetic products.
On this basis and from our personal conviction, there are of course no animal experiments with DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets.
Are DENTTABS palm oil free?
When making our DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets, we do not use palm oil directly. DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets are so PALM OIL FREE.
With two ingredients (magnesium stearate and sodium lauroyl glutamate), the use of palm oil in the manufacturing process can not be ruled out completely. If palm oil is used, then we receive certified proof from both suppliers that the palm oil used comes from sustainable cultivation.
Of course we are looking for a palm oil-free version for both raw materials. As soon as we can replace them with consistent quality, we will implement this immediately.
Science /Studies
Ingredients of common toothpaste
Inhaltsstoffe typischer Zahnpasta entnommen dem Dental-Vademekum 8 2004:Â Â >>Download PDF
Individual Variability of Fluoride Bioavailability in Saliva and Plaque
J Dent Res, Spec Iss 2009, Abstr 2116Â Â >>Download PDF
Bioverfügbarkeit von Fluorid zur Kariesprophylaxe - Zahnpasta und Zahnputztablette
Naumova,E A, Arnold, W H, Gängler, P: Orale Bioverfügbarkeit von Fluorid zur Kariesprophylaxe – Zahnpasta und Zahnputztablette. Zahn Prax 11 (2008), 434 – 436.  >>Download PDF
Fluoride Bioavailability in Saliva after Using DENTTABS Compared to Dentifrice
Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany  >>Download PDF
in “Central European Journal of Medicine” >>Download PDF
Das Remineralisationspotential der Fluoridformulierung in DENTTABS Zahnpflegetabletten auf artifizielle Kariesläsionen
Eine in-vitro Studie  >>Download PDF
Klinische Bewertung der Mundhygieneeffektivität einer Zahnputztablette
Böshagen Ch, Eifler H, Gängler P: Klinische Bewertung der Mundhygieneeffektivität einer Zahnputztablette. Zahnarzt und Praxis International 8(2005), 420 – 24  >>Download PDF
Wissenschaftliche Darstellung zu DENTTABS® im PDF-Format
von Prof. Gängler, Dekan an der zahnmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Witten/Herdecke  >>Download PDF
Abschlußbericht der Ergebnisse der klinischen Untersuchung – Mundhygieneeffekttivität von DENTTABS® als Granulatformulierung
von Dr. Eifler, niedergelassener Zahnarzt in Berlin und Mitentwickler von DENTTABS®   >>Download PDF
Influence of Individual Saliva Secretion on Fluoride Bioavailability
The Open Dentistry Journal, 2010, 4, 185-190Â Â Â >>Download PDF